This is a fancy, delicious recipe that originates from France. Don't panic! In this recipe meat DOES NOT require to be browned before and that's what gives it it's special delicate taste. Since the meat does not require any browning, only extra good quality veal should be used for this recipe. I strongly suggest milk fed veal for it's delicate texture and taste! Perfect for any dinner party this will definately please everyone's palette. You can easily double this recipe for larger diner parties."
Place veal in a casserole, cover with cold water, add lemon juice and bring to a boil (since you boil the meat, I strongly suggest only first quality veal such as milk fed veal).
Remove foam on top of water.
When liquid becomes clear, add onion, carrots, garlic, celery, bay leaves and tyme.
Cook at low temperature for 1 ½ hour, or until the meat is tender.
Remove meat from water, KEEP (3 ½ cups) of cooking liquids.
Melt butter in casserole and add flour, cook for 1 minute at low temperature, stirring occasionnaly.
Add reserved liquids and mix well.
Add 3 tablespoons of heavy cream, mix well.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Add tarragon.
Cook sauce for 8 to 10 minutes at low temperature.
Put back meat in sauce. Simmer for 5 to 6 minutes at low temperature.
Remove casserole from heat. Beat egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of cream, add to sauce, mix well.
Serve with your choice of green vegetables, white rice, egg noodles or whipped potatoes.