"I had lots of eggs and linguine on hand, so what do you make with that? Carbonara! This version is without bacon because I just didn't have any. It may look like a lot of instructions but I literally had this on the table in 15 to 20 minutes because you do most of the work while the pasta is cooking. Enjoy!"
1lb linguine (or other pasta)
2tablespoons olive oil, divided
1tablespoon butter
4garlic cloves, minced
1⁄2cup seasoned breadcrumbs
1⁄4cup milk
1⁄2cup parmesan cheese, shredded, plus more to garnish (optional)
salt and pepper
1⁄4cup fresh parsley, chopped, garnish
Boil pasta in salted water for 1 minute less than the package states.
Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon oil and the butter in a large frying pan over medium heat.
Add garlic and breadcrumbs and stir occasionally until everything smells delicious, about 5 minutes.
Remove breadcrumb mixture from the pan and set aside.
In a bowl, stir together eggs,milk and Parmesan cheese.
Pour 1 tablespoon olive oil in pan over medium heat.
When pasta is done, strain (do NOT rinse) and add to frying pan.
Stir to coat with oil and then add egg mixture.
Stir to coat pasta and then stir every minute or so for about 4 minutes, until eggs are mostly cooked.
Stir in breadcrumbs.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Pour into serving dish and top with optional garnish.